Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Unexamined Life

The statement that "the unexamined life is not worth living," is true in my opinion because everything in life happens for a reason. Those who dont go back and reflect on why it is that certain things happen to them or around them are allowing these things to go on in vain. In order to grow as human beings, we must learn, and the only way to learn is through listening to and observing those around you, as well as through personal experience. However, we gain the most from these situations when we take the time to analyze their relavence to our own lives. To go through life without ever gauging the importance of life itself is to have lead a life unappreciated. This is because when you take the time to understand life, you come to realize that it is not as trivial as we make it out to be. Just the facts of our conception are quite amazing if you think about it. Just ten months before, we were nothing but microscopic seeds. Never having been thought of or imagined. Then out of practically no where, comes this brand new human being...the fact that we have the ability to breed life, is amazing. However, those who fail to "examine" even the simplest facts of our existence could never be baffled by this power that we possess. This goes to say not that those who dont spend time reflecting on the purpose or meaning of life dont deserve to live. In fact, it goes to say that those who dont, should. They just might find themselves floored by the fact that the grass grows all on its own, or that their fingers have the ability to move seemlessly with little to no command.

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