Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Wave

If ever there was a song that explained the current state of the union...or dissension rather. Its Common's "New Wave" from the album Electric Circus. What initially attracted me to the song when I purchased the album so many years ago was the beats eerie - techno feel that was so beautifully incorporated with the harshness of pounding and echoing drums. However, as I recently revisited the album, I recognized the attention that was put into every detail of the track in order for it to serve its purpose as an eye-opener to the occupants of the America we live in today.
Common addresses society on every level from the reality tv wanna be to the corner hustler, warning them (us) all that we've "forgot(ten) the mission", and then forces us to listen to a chorus thats meant to empower the american but is spoken in French. My guess is because he's been saying it in English for a long time and it has yet to be recieved. He also addresses, however breifly, the subject of gentricfication as he says "this new age can't really save the ghetto".
Overall, New Wave is an excellent track and a definite contender for my favorite by this artist. Issued as both a warning for oncoming and a vivid image of what "war time" in america will be like, I would recommend this song to anyone who ever even imagined themselves taking part in anyones revloution.

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