Monday, November 22, 2010

Letter to Mr.McCarthy

Peace and happiness homes! Thank you for writing The Road, it was a truly beautiful piece. The idea of the world coming to an end filled with destruction and death has been throughly explored on several occasions, but your writing style completely transformed the topic into something different for me. The abrupt nature of it at times made it read to me almost like poetry. You would be short and vague and then punctuate that passage in the end with some beautiful epiphany. Those realizations would leave me with this errily wonderful feeling of seeing something for the first time. Like, how did I not notice that did I not see that in myself even.There was also the way that you brought the reader into the minds of the characters through your descriptions of the settings; the way that the tone of their enviornment was projected into their individual thoughts.
 I'd never before seen the prospect of survival in a world of nothingness in such a raw and gritty ...way. It was interesting to see the ways that the father adapted to his situtation. How eventually he came to see dreaming as a sign of a weaking morale. What most surprised me about that was that I would think that anyone in that situtation would be happy to be provided with an escape, even if it only be in sleeping. I was also surprised that the father, who saw dreaming of what was as something negative, encouraged the survival of that "fire" that existed within his son. If he felt there were nothing better than what he had known his whole life...should he not prepare him to be faced with that forever?....

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