Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Meaning

I believe our meaning as human beings in general is to aid and enrich each others lives through whatever gift we have been given. It is through that method of existing that one can pick up where the other leaves off and we can build as a race altogether. A part of that is also recognizing that the Earth is a member of our Universe as well. Humans have to treat the Earth with as much respect and care as they should another human being. Give back to it and replinish it as it gives to us, this is how we will be able to reach our full potential. However, I do think that because many of us have become so disconnected from one another as well as our surroundings we have stifled our own growth, and therefore forgotten our meaning.
The individuals meaning is interwined with that of our universe and the realization of this comes through the journey of life. I believe that once a person realizes that the meaning of life is to figure out what your power is...your purpose, then you take the journey to use that power to reach your full potential. However, in order to do that you must interact with others and recieve their gifts and relay to them yours. That is how you find your individual meaning and relate back to that of the race simultaneously.

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