Monday, November 1, 2010

Father...Son....Sister...Uncle...Baby Mommas Aunties Cousin

Developing strong relationships with members of your family is crucial to leading a fufilled and less diffucult life. This is a lesson I am presently learning myself. As I have gotten older and started to yearn for more independence, I have become more disconnected from my family. This is an important part of growing up because you have to learn things for yourself so that you will be able to function once you are on your own. However, I was trailing off so far away from my family that I was forgetting that those were the people who taught me when I wasnt able to figure the world out on my own. At the basest of all my ideals, are those of my mother...those of my father. Whether I chose to embrace or combat them, is a part of my individual journey. Still when I make decisions, when I percieve things, it is always influenced by what my parents have taught and continue to teach me. It was after I made that realization, that I began to listen again. I realized that just because I had began to formulate my own opinions, that didn't mean that my parents were devoid of all knowledge as far as I was concerned. Now I work to re-establish the bonds that once existed between myself and my parents, so that they will be willing to teach and see that I am more than willing to listen and learn.

1 comment:

  1. I think you bring up a good point: that we can either go with or reject what our parents tell us. I don't know if this also makes us limited as who we can be as human beings (either rejecters of our parents' way of life or someone in harmony with our praents). Can we ever be something outside of this? Probably not because of the great influence our parents have had on us, especially during our developmental stages.
