Wednesday, March 16, 2011

McCarthy's B-day

Okay. Happy birthday. Birthdays are cool. Birthdays are fun. I like Birthdays them...all..the..time...? Or something like that song that they sing on Noggin...actually, I think that ones about sandwiches. We're gonna have to take a raincheck on that one. I saw someone wrote happy birthday to you on the window. That's cool. I wish someone had done something like that for me. Feel special. I just realized that I either wasn't listening when you said or (the more likely) never asked how old you are (turning). So, heres to growing older and hopefully wiser all the time.
Do you know at what hour you were born? I always think thats cool when people know that. Like then you could probably figure out what tv show was on while your mother was giving birth. Do people even use the TV Guide anymore? I remember when we used to have crappy tv and I would turn to the guide channel and get stuck watching it because they would have some semi interesting mini show going on while they were showing the guide and i'd always get so caught up in it that I would miss the channel I was looking for and have to keep watching. This went on for years until we got Comcast, which at that time was COMPLETELY dominating the southside cable scene. Yeah. I was in The Know.
Well, Anways. Happy Birfday.

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