Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We Have The Right

We have the right to be who we wanna be? a certain extent I guess. We have the right to do anything. I can beat my wife as long as she doesn't tell anybody. Bad example but men used to think that. She's my wife; she's my property. Yuh. UM. Do you have the right to spray paint on walls? I think we should. The would we would so dopely colorful. But everybody always wants to relate "street art" to some kind of violence. And I guess to a certain extent (again) that is true but. I think that is also bull. I was looking at this fashion magagzine and they had pictures of topless women in poses were they were, like, prepraring to lick one another on the nipple. And I was like ,woah, if any other magazine did that, everyone would have an effing fit, but since its some silly fashion mag, its okay. I dont know. Its like iMc said, "the right people". You've got to have "the right people" behind you or you really don't have "the right" nah mean? Makes sense to me, but I still don't think that justifies it. Like who the hell are they? Their money and papers don't mean crap to me. But its not like art where I can decided whether or not I think its art and thats that eff everybody else. When it comes to rights you can't just decide what you do and don't have the right to do because, ultimately, the Law decides.

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