Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pulp Ficiton

Grrrraaaawwwrrrrr! I love this movie! So Quentin Tarantino has this movie he made called Pulp Fiction and its about a bunch of kold killahs and bad muthaf$*kas, ya know? Basically, there's about a billion and one different plots that all intertwine into this one story about...wait, what was Pulp Fiction about? There's something in this case, but not everyone wanted what was in that case wasn't about that. Um....Pulp Fiction is the kind of movie that you watch if you don't mind if the movie doesn't mean anything at all. It's got lotsa violence and a little bit of groovin and even a French girl (who by the way dates a guy named Butch who is played by Bruce Willis...ew). The score is pretty ingenious since it's about as random as the movie itself, and features a wide range of artists from Al Green to someone (or something) called Urge Overkill. Uma Thurman does a dope job as the wife of supa gansta Marsellus Wallace (played by the beautifully sculpted Ving Rhames), finally making sense of that line by Nas " I leave em froze like heroine in ya nose," and dragging an aging John Travolta back to his humble beginnings on the dance floor. Can you say....Saturday Night Fee-va!? Well, anyways, Pulp Fiction is an action packed movie not to be watched...witnessed by the weak at stomach for it follows in the blood bubbling tradition of all of Mr.Tarantino's films. Classic. Peace.

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