Friday, April 8, 2011

A Book To Read

One of my favorite books is "Garden of Lies" although i have no clue who the author is. Its kinda funky to say this because its a novel about lotsa romances and mix ups and mishaps, but im telling you. its really really good. So this white lady marries this much older rich white man and she loves him and all, but the gettin' of the intimate is a little blah for her because she's much younger than he is (also he's really outta shape). anyway, she sleeps with the gardener. low key they fall in love. did i mention that he's mexican. (oh this is so stereotypical) so she gets pregnant. by the gardener of course. but she tells the husband its his. so when she goes into labor she goes to a hospital in the poor part of town where no one will notice her giving birth to this dark skinned baby. so after the delivery, the hospital catches fire and when it comes time for her to get her baby, she steals her roommates' baby. which was light skinned. (that babies mom died). so she takes the stolen baby and raises it as her own. and the other baby goes back to the family of the dead woman and then the father...dies too i think...and the puritanical grandmother raises the baby girl and calls the baby girls dead mother a whore because she looks nothing like her "sisters". the other (stolen) baby gets raised on the other side of town and her lifes all whoopdeedoo. but there's soo much that happens after that I cant say anymore. not even low key. just read it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pulp Ficiton

Grrrraaaawwwrrrrr! I love this movie! So Quentin Tarantino has this movie he made called Pulp Fiction and its about a bunch of kold killahs and bad muthaf$*kas, ya know? Basically, there's about a billion and one different plots that all intertwine into this one story about...wait, what was Pulp Fiction about? There's something in this case, but not everyone wanted what was in that case wasn't about that. Um....Pulp Fiction is the kind of movie that you watch if you don't mind if the movie doesn't mean anything at all. It's got lotsa violence and a little bit of groovin and even a French girl (who by the way dates a guy named Butch who is played by Bruce Willis...ew). The score is pretty ingenious since it's about as random as the movie itself, and features a wide range of artists from Al Green to someone (or something) called Urge Overkill. Uma Thurman does a dope job as the wife of supa gansta Marsellus Wallace (played by the beautifully sculpted Ving Rhames), finally making sense of that line by Nas " I leave em froze like heroine in ya nose," and dragging an aging John Travolta back to his humble beginnings on the dance floor. Can you say....Saturday Night Fee-va!? Well, anyways, Pulp Fiction is an action packed movie not to be watched...witnessed by the weak at stomach for it follows in the blood bubbling tradition of all of Mr.Tarantino's films. Classic. Peace.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We Have The Right

We have the right to be who we wanna be? a certain extent I guess. We have the right to do anything. I can beat my wife as long as she doesn't tell anybody. Bad example but men used to think that. She's my wife; she's my property. Yuh. UM. Do you have the right to spray paint on walls? I think we should. The would we would so dopely colorful. But everybody always wants to relate "street art" to some kind of violence. And I guess to a certain extent (again) that is true but. I think that is also bull. I was looking at this fashion magagzine and they had pictures of topless women in poses were they were, like, prepraring to lick one another on the nipple. And I was like ,woah, if any other magazine did that, everyone would have an effing fit, but since its some silly fashion mag, its okay. I dont know. Its like iMc said, "the right people". You've got to have "the right people" behind you or you really don't have "the right" nah mean? Makes sense to me, but I still don't think that justifies it. Like who the hell are they? Their money and papers don't mean crap to me. But its not like art where I can decided whether or not I think its art and thats that eff everybody else. When it comes to rights you can't just decide what you do and don't have the right to do because, ultimately, the Law decides.

McCarthy's B-day

Okay. Happy birthday. Birthdays are cool. Birthdays are fun. I like Birthdays them...all..the..time...? Or something like that song that they sing on Noggin...actually, I think that ones about sandwiches. We're gonna have to take a raincheck on that one. I saw someone wrote happy birthday to you on the window. That's cool. I wish someone had done something like that for me. Feel special. I just realized that I either wasn't listening when you said or (the more likely) never asked how old you are (turning). So, heres to growing older and hopefully wiser all the time.
Do you know at what hour you were born? I always think thats cool when people know that. Like then you could probably figure out what tv show was on while your mother was giving birth. Do people even use the TV Guide anymore? I remember when we used to have crappy tv and I would turn to the guide channel and get stuck watching it because they would have some semi interesting mini show going on while they were showing the guide and i'd always get so caught up in it that I would miss the channel I was looking for and have to keep watching. This went on for years until we got Comcast, which at that time was COMPLETELY dominating the southside cable scene. Yeah. I was in The Know.
Well, Anways. Happy Birfday.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Wave

If ever there was a song that explained the current state of the union...or dissension rather. Its Common's "New Wave" from the album Electric Circus. What initially attracted me to the song when I purchased the album so many years ago was the beats eerie - techno feel that was so beautifully incorporated with the harshness of pounding and echoing drums. However, as I recently revisited the album, I recognized the attention that was put into every detail of the track in order for it to serve its purpose as an eye-opener to the occupants of the America we live in today.
Common addresses society on every level from the reality tv wanna be to the corner hustler, warning them (us) all that we've "forgot(ten) the mission", and then forces us to listen to a chorus thats meant to empower the american but is spoken in French. My guess is because he's been saying it in English for a long time and it has yet to be recieved. He also addresses, however breifly, the subject of gentricfication as he says "this new age can't really save the ghetto".
Overall, New Wave is an excellent track and a definite contender for my favorite by this artist. Issued as both a warning for oncoming and a vivid image of what "war time" in america will be like, I would recommend this song to anyone who ever even imagined themselves taking part in anyones revloution.